"As the saying goes, when one window closes, another one opens. In other words, just because something is ending right now doesn't mean that something new isn't just getting started. It might be right around the corner -- or it might be quite a spell down the road. Regardless, something is coming in your future that will make you glad you took the journey to get there. Hope is the word to hold on to today -- hope for what you can't anticipate and can't control."
The above was on my homepage horoscope today. It is so appropriate for the time in my life. I've been so anxious about returning to work on the 7th. I have dreams every night about how it will go, and when I wake up in the middle of the night, all I can think about is everything I need to do and get done for when I'm at work. I worry a lot about leaving Kipp right now, even though deep down I know he'll be okay and we'll work things out for this new phase of our lives. I have been blessed to be able to take this time to stay home with him, and even though it has been tough, we are closer because of it. So my time off from teaching, and this stage in our life is coming to an end, but like the horoscope says, a new time for us is just getting started. I've never been a huge believer in astrology, but this comes at just the right time:) HOPE is the word to hold onto today and always!
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