Saturday, May 7, 2011


Love my girlfriends!  I don't have too many true friends, just work friends.  But in these past few months, I've realized which of those are really friends, and not just because we work together.  I literally have two friends that I went to high school with that have come through for me and I know if needed they would be there.  Other than that, most of my friends have come and gone over the years.  Now I seem to have made a few more friends that I've actually known for years, but just starting to become closer.  Last night those two ladies visited and had a glass of wine.  We chatted and had a pretty cool time.  I'm going to try harder to actually be a good friend and keep these two around for a while.  I haven't realized how important to have friends it is, so for those girlfriends, I am thankful!

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