Monday, May 30, 2011

Friends in hidden places...

Had a great May!  So busy I haven't had time to breathe...or blog!  Celebrated, quietly, with my husband, our 20th anniversary.  So thankful we are together and happy.  Also this month, celebrated my son's 11th birthday.  He is so big and growing into a wonderful kid.  He has always been wonderful, just appreciative that he is still such an inquisitive boy with lots of deep thoughts.  This 3 day weekend, went to a birthday party of a co-worker's daughter.  There were a few other teachers there that I had kind of lost touch with, but realized that they are still friends, so I am thankful for those friends that have been dormant, but still there.  Happy May...13 school days left!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Love my girlfriends!  I don't have too many true friends, just work friends.  But in these past few months, I've realized which of those are really friends, and not just because we work together.  I literally have two friends that I went to high school with that have come through for me and I know if needed they would be there.  Other than that, most of my friends have come and gone over the years.  Now I seem to have made a few more friends that I've actually known for years, but just starting to become closer.  Last night those two ladies visited and had a glass of wine.  We chatted and had a pretty cool time.  I'm going to try harder to actually be a good friend and keep these two around for a while.  I haven't realized how important to have friends it is, so for those girlfriends, I am thankful!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Peaceful moments...

I love those peaceful moments that you get to yourself.  Every morning before work I've been waking up at 5:45, getting dressed and partially ready, making lunches (mine and Jake's), then taking advantage of the 20-30 minutes I get to myself.  Sometimes my husband or daughter wake up early and those quiet times to myself are gone, but most the time, like today, it remains peaceful.

In this crazy world, between work, husband, children and all the necessary household activities, it is rare to just have a little time to yourself around here.  So I am thankful for the morning times I do get to enjoy in solitude!