Wednesday, September 28, 2011

When life gives you...

My motto of the day:  When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.  Cliche, I know, but it is all I can think of to try to make me feel better.  Bad news, no worries, we're going to Disneyland! 

So the story is, Kipp is officially not going back to work.  Really, not overly surprising, just disappointing to have to face reality.  I'm still not sure that it is okay for Solar to do that to Kipp.  It makes me very angry that they showed no loyalty to a faithful employee of 20 years.  He knows the job, and he could work into it, but they won't even give him a chance.  Honestly, I feel torn.  Sometimes, I think that Kipp would really struggle going back to work, and it isn't too bad having him at home.  On the other side, I know he is bored and wants to work, and maybe it would be good for him.  I'm not sure if I should do more to find out if Solar can really do this to him.

I know deep down, it will be a tough adjustment, but we will be okay.  We'll have to cut a few things from our budget, like the Y, and some cable channels, and maybe not eating out quite as much.  But we will survive, maybe even be better this way.

And yes, we are going to Disneyland!